About Us

Recklinghausen town hall

Not only are we a successful IT-service provider for small and medium sized businesses in North Rhine-Westphalia, we also program and provide financial software (CRM, WMS, business intelligence) with a focus on chemical and synthetic businesses in regards to their distributional and logistic needs, who use our software on an international scale. We aquired more than 20 years of experience as an it-service provider. We take care of all your IT problems.

What makes the edv anwendungsberatung special?
Our passion, innovative capability and quality standard lead to our first class service and products. Our long lasting experience and comprehension of the customers needs lead to cost savings, an increase to efficiency and process optimisation. We deliver solutions that let you stay on top. These are the factors for long lasting business relations. We advise businesses with the introduction of complex it-systems (document management, workflow) and document and analyse business processes. We provided plenty of different businesses and departments (f.e. logistics- and transport, publishing, production,wholesale and retail) with our experience and wisdom.
That diversity in customers gives us an edge when it comes to unforeseen problems and their solution.
Furthermore we are fast to adapt to new situation and specific needs of our customers thanks to our economical grasp.
This way we can help our customers analyse, decide and implement presented solutions.
We are happy to make your acquaintance.



zühlke & bieker gmbh
Martinistr. 11
45657 Recklinghausen
Telefon: 0 23 61 / 90 543 – 21
Telefax: 0 23 61 / 90 543 – 22
Email: info@zuehlke-bieker.de
Internet: www.zubit.de
Geschäftsführer: Carsten Bieker
Marc Zühlke
Registergericht: Amtsgericht Recklinghausen
Registernummer: HRB 2954
Steuer Nr: 340/5712/4031
UstIdent Nr: DE126344908
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