
SQLExS Features & Requirements

Jul 21, 2014 |
SQLExS Features

SQLExS stands for SQL Exchange Synchronisation. SQLExS is easy to deploy and easy to use, it enables you to access any Exchange item with very basic SQL commands. You can consume Exchange data on the SQL Server and create/modify exchange items from within your T-SQL enviroment, just with an simple insert statement. Features Central server based (runs as … read more

Code Samples & Screenshots

Jul 21, 2014 |

A picture is worth a thousand words.   A few screenshots  of the administrator UI and the SQLExS SQL data. Samples A code sample is worth two thousand words.  🙂 Create an MS Exchange Appointment on the calendar of user Alice: DECLARE @ObjectReferenceID int, @nFolderID int Set @nFolderID = fGetDefaultFolder(‘ALICE’,’IPM.Appointment’) exec sp_Appointment_Save @p_nFolderSubscriptionIdent = @nFolderID , @p_sSubject = ‘meet Bob’, @p_nObjectReferenceId = … read more

Contact us

Jul 21, 2014 |

Contact us. No marketing nor salesmen  in your way. Get in touch with the SQLExchange Sync Development Team. Feel free to ask whatever is on your mind.